Lydgate Infant School

Year 2


Welcome to Y2!

On this page we will record some of the exciting learning and investigating we do in Year 2, as the children continue to develop a wide breadth of skills and knowledge to take away with them when they leave us in the summer.

Our role in Y2 is to consolidate all the learning the children have been doing at Lydgate Infant School, as well as equip them for their next adventures as juniors. We strive to ensure children have a firm grasp of literacy and numeracy skills, as well as a love of learning. Through studying lots of different topics, our hope is that every child will discover what excites them and identify their own special skills and strengths.

We look forward to sharing our learning and exploring on this blog, and hope this will give you an insight into everything we get up to in Year 2.


Snuggling Down with Friends

Date: 22/01/2021

After I've finished my learning and jobs for the day, I love to snuggle down with my friends!  Let's see what you've been up to this week... What great maths work, George - you're really good at working…

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Fun in the Snow!

Date: 15/01/2021

I'm learning at home again at the moment, just like most of you.  Although I've been busy, I did have enough time to look at your lovely learning, and to have a bit of fun in the snow!   Wha What a…

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Online Learning Resources

Date: 14/01/2021

Take a moment to click here to find our new, updated list of online learning activities and resources to keep you busy!

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Lubna and Pebble Book Week!

Date: 03/11/2020

We've been busy creating pebbles and exploring the refugee theme of our whole school book week, using 'Lubna and Pebble' as our main story.  As you can see, we've also been looking at other texts. We thought…

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Happy Holidays!

Date: 22/09/2020

Ooh, it feels nice to settle into these green lily pads and paddle in that cool water. Phileas and I are looking forward to relaxing in our lovely pond all summer long! I wonder what you are doing in the…

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Back to School!

Date: 15/09/2020

Hello Everyone!  Phileas and I had a lovely summer, but are really pleased to be back at school now.  It's been great to see everyone in Year 2 again - I think that you've made a fantastic start with your…

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Froggie Friday, this time with Phileas (and Jess)!

Date: 19/07/2020

Hello Everyone, Like my twin sister Philippa, I'm learning at home at the moment. One of the things that I've been doing this week is exploring the world through this really big atlas with Jess. I really…

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I've been helping too!

Date: 10/07/2020

That's right, this week it's been my turn to help with the vegetables in Mr Bromage's greenhouse. Even though the weather has been a bit cold this week, it's lovely and warm in here! This week, it's…

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Helping in the Greenhouse!

Date: 03/07/2020

That's right, Phileas and Jess have been hard at work looking after Mr Bromage's lettuces. Phileas doesn't really like eating salad much, but he does like to eat up the slugs that sometimes enjoy munching…

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Phew, it's hot!

Date: 26/06/2020

That's right, everyone - Jessie and I have been doing some sunbathing in the back garden this week. You might have had a sit-down in the sun as well, but I know that you've been busy with your home learning…

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