Lydgate Infant School

In Search of Snakes

Thursday 11 Apr 2019 11:54am

The F2 classes had a fantastic (and very tiring) time visiting the Tropical Butterfly Centre, linked to our rainforest topic. They had a chance to hunt for dinosaurs, visit a witch's house and spray the grown ups with water as well as seeing all the animals.

The F2 classes had a fantastic (and very tiring) time visiting the Tropical Butterfly Centre, linked to our rainforest topic.  They had a chance to hunt for dinosaurs, visit a witch's house and spray the grown ups with water as well as seeing all the animals.  Some of the children were able  to see the lemurs having their lunch and ask the keeper questions about how they look after them.  We also got a chance to meet some of the other animals close up and held snakes, cockroaches and stick insects.  Some of the adults were more excited about this than others but well done to Miss Atkin who faced her fear and held the snake.

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