Welcome to F2!
On this page you will be able to find out what really happens in the Foundation 2 classroom and solve the riddle of ‘What did you do today?’ – the usual answer being ‘nothing’ or ‘just played’!
Our role in the Foundation Stage is to provide children with the means to experience the world for themselves alongside more academic approaches. We strive to give children the means to develop their own ideas and theories so that they can make sense of the world, and to give them opportunities to develop and test these theories with their peers. Through planned play opportunities we give the children the tools to take ‘safe risks’ to both learn and test their boundaries. We make time for children to be active and to be quiet; to explore and to learn; to be indoors and outside; to be sociable or just to be themselves, whoever they are.
We are glad you can join us on our journey and hope you enjoy the glimpse into the exciting, funny and magical moments of a very special time in your child’s school life.
The F2 Team.
Class 1's Marvellous Medicine
Date: 04/05/2018
Over the past few weeks, Class 1 have been listening to Roald Dahl's story George's Marvellous Medicine. We really enjoyed the story and hearing about all the strange things George put in his pot. As…
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow.
Date: 04/03/2018
The F2 children had a great time out in the snow last week, it may have taken us longer to get togged up then we spent outside but it was worth it. Snow angels, mini snowmen, searching for icicles and…
International Week
Date: 10/11/2017
After all the excitement of our visits for the 'People Who Help Us' topic, there was no time to stop before it was International Week. The children visited the other F2 classrooms to learn about different…
A V.I.P Visit
Date: 28/10/2017
The last visitor of an exciting week was Eddie the Lollipop Man and the children were so excited to see him in school. He came to talk about his uniform with the F2 classes and how to cross the road safely. …
Bumps and Bruises
Date: 19/10/2017
Uniform week started with a visit from a paramedic. He visited the classes to talk about his job and the equipment he uses. The children had a lot of interesting questions and a lot of bumps and scrapes…
A Visit from the Police
Date: 18/10/2017
Another exciting afternoon in F2, this time a visit from the police who brought their car with them. The children had a chance to listen to the siren, find out about their uniforms, try on a helmet and…
All go in F2
Date: 18/10/2017
The F2 department is a very busy place this week, with lots of exciting visits planned. As part of our mini topic of Uniforms we are lucky enough to be having visits from the fire service, police, a paramedic…
Music Workshop
Date: 18/10/2017
On Friday, Polly Ives from Music in the Round visited school to run a music workshop for the F2 children based around the story Stan and Mabel and the Race for Space. The children worked on the songs…
REAL Project
Date: 05/10/2017
At the F2 Curriculum Evening, part of the presentation focused on the REAL (Raising Early Attainment in Literacy) Project being piloted this year by Miss Milton and Miss Leyshon. The course will run from…
A Day At The Seaside!
Date: 26/07/2017
As part of our summer topic, we all had a wonderful day at the seaside in F2 at the end of term! The only thing that we couldn't do was take a swim in the sea...