Welcome to F2!
On this page you will be able to find out what really happens in the Foundation 2 classroom and solve the riddle of ‘What did you do today?’ – the usual answer being ‘nothing’ or ‘just played’!
Our role in the Foundation Stage is to provide children with the means to experience the world for themselves alongside more academic approaches. We strive to give children the means to develop their own ideas and theories so that they can make sense of the world, and to give them opportunities to develop and test these theories with their peers. Through planned play opportunities we give the children the tools to take ‘safe risks’ to both learn and test their boundaries. We make time for children to be active and to be quiet; to explore and to learn; to be indoors and outside; to be sociable or just to be themselves, whoever they are.
We are glad you can join us on our journey and hope you enjoy the glimpse into the exciting, funny and magical moments of a very special time in your child’s school life.
The F2 Team.
Goldilocks came to Lydgate
Date: 05/10/2018
We are having lots of fun this half term learning about traditional tales. On Wednesday, we had a surprise visit from Goldilocks. We asked her lots of questions and she told us she was very sorry for all…
We're Going on a Bug Hunt..
Date: 18/07/2018
There were some special vistors in F2 on Monday and though not all the staff were that keen to meet them, the children had fun getting to know some exotic insects. The children had a chance to observe…
Oh I Do Like to be Beside the Seaside!
Date: 18/07/2018
The rain didn't do anything to dampen the children's spirits on Friday and everyone had a fantastic Seaside Day. Despite the showers, the children were happy to paddle, build sandcastles, hook a duck…
Sporting Fun
Date: 12/07/2018
Last week, the F2 children took part in a whole school sport's day. Y5 Young Leaders from the junior school came up to help organise the activities and to help the children. They did a fantastic job…
Date: 02/07/2018
It was great to see so many F2 children at Lydgfest on Saturday. It only seems a few weeks ago that they were telling us how excited they were for starting school and now they are moving to Year 1. It…
Assembly Time
Date: 28/06/2018
Last week it was the F2 classes turn to host the assemblies for parents. The children worked really hard getting ready and practising for the performances. Class 1 and 4 presented work they had been…
Proud Pianist
Date: 27/06/2018
On Tuesday Jess bravely played the piano in front of all the F2 children and staff during singing time. Not only did she play Mary had a Little Lamb beautifully, she also sang along. When she finished…
Using your Initiative
Date: 09/06/2018
Class 1 have been participating in the Wildlife Trust's 30 Days Wild campaign. We are trying to get out and experience nature everyday we are at school. Friday's activity was to set up our new ant farm,…
Celebrating Outdoors
Date: 28/05/2018
The F2 classes have been using the book 'The Scarecrow's Wedding' as a stimulus for lots of activites recently, alongside their work on farms. As well as literacy and craft, it seemed the perfect opportunity…
Trip to Cannon Hall Farm
Date: 17/05/2018
This week F2 visited Cannon Hall Farm. We enjoyed learning about farm animals and exploring the farm. We met some of the animals and got to stroke Pepper and Midnight the rabbits.