Lydgate Infant School

Dress code

Lydgate Infant School has a compulsory dress code, as follows:

  • Red or navy blue sweatshirt, fleece or cardigan (with or without the school logo)
  • Blue or white shirt (short or long sleeved) or white, light blue, navy or red polo (with or without the school logo)
  • Black, grey or navy trousers, black, grey or navy blue skirt / pinafore. Plain black, grey or dark blue jeans may also be worn (no embroidery or decoration)
  • For the summer months, for those children who wish to wear something lighter – blue and white, red and white, yellow and white gingham dresses for the girls; if children wish to wear shorts – black, grey or navy may be worn (not sports shorts)
  • Dark sensible shoes or dark trainers in winter, with sensible sandals an option for the summer months

We ask you to send the children comfortably dressed. Although we try to avoid accidents to clothing, occasionally a mishap occurs. It is preferable that the children wear clothing that is easily washed and do not wear their best clothes at school. Plimsolls (elastic gussets or velcro, no laces please) are needed for outdoor Physical Education lessons, together with a small, clearly marked slipper bag. Children will normally be expected to do P.E. inside in bare feet. Children wear a T-shirt and shorts for P.E. For safety reasons children must not wear tights, dresses, skirts or long trousers for P.E. If your child needs to wear special clothing for religious reasons please see the Headteacher.

Although only the dress code is compulsory, many parents and carers choose to order items of the school’s actual uniform on behalf of their child. To find out more information or order items of the school’s uniform, please see below.

To view or order Lydgate Infant School Uniform

Go to the website address You can either pay online or if you prefer, you can order online and send a cheque to the address below.

Alternatively, if you do not have access to the internet you can collect an order form from school and order by post.

School Trends Ltd
9 Holbrook Enterprise Park
Enterprise Way
S20 3GL.