Lydgate Infant School



The intent of the Learning for Life (L4L) PSHE/RHE curriculum is to address pupils’ understanding of their relationships, their health and wellbeing and their role in a global society in an age-appropriate and meaningful way.

The L4L PSHE/RHE curriculum also provides children with an important opportunity for spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development, including the promotion of British values (democracy, the rule of lawindividual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance).

This curriculum also contributes to personal development by equipping pupils with the attributes, knowledge and skills they need to support physical, mental and emotional wellbeing in school and beyond.

Our L4L PSHE/RHE curriculum will encourage mutual respect, responsibility and foster self-esteem and empathy for others, promoted through discussion and the encouragement of tolerance towards others.


The PSHE Association Programme of Study is divided into three core themes; Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World and the statutory RHE programme of learning will be taught through these overarching headings.

Within these three core themes pupils should be taught about:

  • Self -awareness
  • Self-care, support and safety
  • Managing feelings
  • Changing and growing
  • Healthy lifestyles
  • The World I live in

The content of our L4L PSHE/RHE curriculum will be delivered through reference to the EYFS PSED statements, the Learn Sheffield RHE Curriculum and additional PSHE teaching resources (e.g. SEAL publications). Recommendations for implementation and delivery are included.


  • Continued training and support for teachers ensuring they are the experts in the subjects that they teach 
  • There will be a clear progression of skills across FS2 and Key Stage 1 that builds on prior knowledge, skills and experiences.
  • Our children will be confident to talk about their feelings, their relationships, issues related to health and well-being and issues related to the wider world.
  • Our pupils will learn to value diversity in all its forms, and will become confident in their engagement with and understanding of modern British society.

Please click here to see our Progression Map for L4L.

Helping Other People!