Lydgate Infant School



The intent of the computing curriculum is to prepare and equip children to become confident users of information technology for their future lives in a digital world.

We aim to deliver a curriculum that:

  • Develops children’s key skills and understanding of concepts across all areas of the KS1 computing curriculum.
  • Develops computation thinking and understanding of how digital systems work, enabling children to put this to use through programming.
  • Allows children to become digitally literate, becoming safe, responsible and effective users of information technology.
  • Enables children to know when and how to ask for help if they are concerned when working online.
  • Incorporates a range of technology including both hardware and software.
  • Enables children to be creative in enjoyable and exciting topics.
  • Become motivated, independent learners.


The Computing Programme of Study provided by the National Curriculum sets out the following subject content.

Pupils should be taught to:

  • understand what algorithms are; how they are implemented as programs on digital devices; and that programs execute by following precise and unambiguous instructions
  • create and debug simple programs
  • use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs
  • use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content
  • recognise common uses of information technology beyond school
  • use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.

At Lydgate Infant School we use the Sheffield Primary Computing Scheme of work as the main tool to deliver this content. There are six units of work which we teach, one per half term. These units cover key skills, text and images, multimedia, data, computational thinking with algorithms and computational thinking with programming. Although computing is taught through discrete lessons, the scheme is carefully matched to year group topics. This allows for the most appropriate and relevant content being taught in a fun and engaging manner whilst being linked to other learning taking place. Each unit of work clearly sets out the skills, knowledge, concepts and vocabulary to be covered. The subject content is then repeated through each year group to enable the revision and progression of these areas.

We have sets of iPads for each year group, desk top computers in classrooms, remote control cars, Beebots, walkie talkies, sound buttons and a set of chrome books (for use within classrooms).

Online safety is taught through RHE lessons and referenced to or repeated where appropriate in computing lessons.

CPD and support is available for teachers. This will ensure their skills and knowledge are up to date and they have the confidence to deliver high quality lessons.


The impact of teaching computing at Lydgate Infant School will be…

  • Children will become more digitally literate: being able to use, express themselves and develop their ideas through information technology.
  • Children will have a better understanding of computational thinking and be able to apply their knowledge in creating, testing and evaluating algorithms or programs using logical reasoning skills.
  • Become active participants in a digital world and be more confident in a future workplace.

Children will have a better awareness of how to keep themselves safe when working online and know who to go to for help.

Please click here to see our Progression Map for Computing.

Key Skills in Computing!

We Love Data!

Our Multi-Media Learning!