Lydgate Infant School


Lydgate Infant School is a co-educational primary school within Sheffield Education Authority. The school admits children from 4+ to 7 years. Each year the school admits up to 120 pupils, organised into 4 classes of 30 children. The school has no affiliation with any particular religious denomination.

Parents of prospective pupils are welcome to visit the school to have a look around. Please telephone the school if you would like to participate in an organised parental tour.  You can find a copy of the school's prospectus here.

Pupil places are offered in the spring term of the school year before entry by Sheffield City Council Local Education Authority. All parents and carers need to complete a Local Authority on-line or paper-based application form in the Autumn Term prior to your child starting school the following academic year. The Local Authority’s criteria for offering places are:

  1. ‘Looked After’ and ‘Previously Looked After’ Children – This category refers to pupils either in or who have been in public care who require a place at a school that is identified by the appropriate Care Management Panel.
  2. Catchment area and Sibling attending the school.
  3. Catchment area.
  4. Sibling (not catchment).
  5. Other applications

Admission to the school, as in all Local Authority Maintained Schools, is managed directly by Sheffield City Council’s School Admissions Office. A guide for parents and carers regarding the admission process is available to download online from All applications and enquiries regarding admission processes and procedures should be directed to Sheffield City Council Primary Admissions, via email at or by telephone at 0114 273 5766).

Once your child has been allocated a place at the school, we aim to make starting school as easy as possible by developing good links with local pre-school groups. We will arrange for your child to visit before s/he starts school. The Headteacher holds a meeting with parents to discuss various issues regarding starting school and for parents to meet the staff. A further meeting about the curriculum is held after your child has settled in. Starting times are ‘staggered’ over a 5-day period to help your child settle into the school, and home visits are carried out by the teacher and teaching assistant prior to admission, in order to begin to build a relationship with your child in a familiar environment.