Lydgate Infant School

Helping your child at home

Parents and carers are one of the school’s most important resources in enhancing and extending the learning of its young pupils. Although time can be limited, any additional discussion and extension to your child’s learning outside of school is of enormous value, and will have a marked effect upon your child’s progress.

As part of its commitment to work in partnership with parents and carers, the school:

  • Organises regular curricular information evenings for parents and carers at the start of each academic year.
  • Organises specific information evenings for particular areas of learning (e.g. Phonics).
  • Publishes half-termly Learning Overviews on its website, in order to allow you as parents and carers to link into the thematic learning taking place within school.
  • Utilises Learning Logs in order to make explicit the learning taking place within the classroom with opportunities to extend that learning in the home/out-of-school setting.
  • Utilises Education City as a learning platform which allows your child to develop their basic skills at home.

Please click on the links below to access school-generated information and presentations which will give you an insight into how you can help your child in partnership with the school:

F2 Curriculum Information Presentation

Y1 Curriculum Information Presentation

Y2 Curriculum Information Presentation

F2 English Information Evening

F2 Phonics Information

KS1 Phonics Information Evening        

KS1 English Information

LIS Suggested Books to Share with your Child

Phonics Information for Parents

Reading Information for Parents

Maths Information Evening


Please see the links below for further information as to how you can support your child’s learning out-of-school.