More Snow!
Date: 11/02/2021
It's been a very snowy week again this week! Philippa and I have been out for some lovely snowy walks (or 'hops' for us frogs!) with Jess, and I hope that you've had fun in the snow too! Click on your…
Froggie Guitar!
Date: 05/02/2021
A few people have asked me what my goal has been in our 'Going for Goals' L4L topic. As you can see, I'm trying to get better at playing the guitar! Take a look at our YearGroup blogs to find out what…
Helping At Home!
Date: 29/01/2021
I know that lots of you have decided to make 'being helpful at home' one of your goals in our 'Going for Goals' Learning for Life topic. As you can see, I've decided to do the same! Take a look at our…
Snuggling Down with Friends
Date: 22/01/2021
I've been snuggling down with Jess the dog and Ted in all the cold, stormy weather this week. Take a look at our Year Group Blogs to see what you've all been doing!
Fun in the Snow!
Date: 15/01/2021
I'm learning at home again at the moment, just like most of you. I've had time to make the most of the snow though, as you can see, and really enjoyed looking at the home learning which you sent into…
Home Learning Information
Date: 14/01/2021
As we move through the current period of national lockdown, most of our pupils are again learning from home. Please click here for an overview of our home learning arrangements.
LIS Opening Update
Date: 04/01/2021
Following the government's 8pm announcement of the imposition of a further lockdown period from midnight tonight, schools have been asked by the Department for Education to advise parents and carers that…
Anti-Bullying Week
Date: 17/11/2020
This week marks National Anti-Bullying week, with a theme this year of ‘United Against Bullying!”. Within school, therefore, we will be building upon our recent globally-themed book week activities in…
Children In Need 2020
Date: 13/11/2020
We've been having great fun as part of our non-uniform day here in school today... raising lots of money for 'Children In Need'!
Whole School Refugee Book Focus
Date: 16/10/2020
Next week pupils throughout the school will be sharing a focus upon the same text, “Lubna and Pebble”, and will be undertaking activities and learning based upon the text. As you know, we have asked pupils…