Lydgate Infant School


Lydgate Infant School Association is the school’s Parent Association. As such, it works alongside the school in order to:

  • Raise funds to support development priorities which will directly benefit the children
  • Plan and organise extra-curricular events which provide additional opportunities for the children to have fun!

The inclusive nature of the association means that if you have a child who attends the school, you as a parent or carer are already a ‘member’ of LISA, and you and your child can participate in all of its activities.

Operating on a charitable basis, the association has certain formally titled roles, but also has identified individuals who act as contact points within Year Groups and Classes.  Please get in touch to find out more!

Funds raised by LISA have supported significant improvements in the school’s quality of provision to pupils in recent years:

  • The installation of permanent features, and purchase of portable resources, to improve the quality of outdoor learning in the F2 outdoor environment (including the large learning shelter, soft surfacing, the ‘Outdoor Library’, Big Build resources, bikes and trikes, and many more items).
  • Similar installation of storage and developmental features in the KS1 playground (children’s climbing wall, outdoor learning storage and resources, bike and scooter racks, etc), and in the school’s wildlife garden.
  • The purchase of paint and materials to enable the mural decoration of both of the school’s main internal stairwells (and help in painting both!).
  • The match-funded rolling programme of home-school reading book purchase, ensuring that the school is well-stocked with modern and engaging home-school reading books which the children enjoy to share with their parents and carers.


The focus of future funding revolves around two main areas at present (although this is reviewed annually by the association in liaison with the school):

  • The continuing support of improvements to the school’s outdoor learning environment for pupils.
  • The support of improvements in mobile and hand-held technology, to ensure that the school’s young pupils have the most modern and up-to-date resources to support their learning.


The association meets regularly in order to plan future events and review progress.

Most years LISA undertake a number of regular events throughout the year, most of which are not likely to happen this year so we have had to think of new opportunities for the students to get involved with and raise some money for the school. So far we are organising:

  • Personalised Christmas cards and gifts
  • Virtual Book Fair
  • Leavers Hoodies

Hopefully by the summer things might be a bit more normal and the usual discos and Summer Fayre - Lydgfest will go ahead if we possibly can!

Please visit our Facebook page to find out which events are coming up next. We always need help in planning, organising and running these events, so please get in touch if you would like to volunteer! Our email address is and link to the facebook page