Our Governors are a group of volunteers which include parents, staff and members of the school and local community. Their main duties are to:
- Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Hold executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils and the performance management of staff
- Oversee the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
Some of the governing body's responsibilities carry a statutory requirement, which means they are obliged by law to do certain things, such as agree the annual budget.
Governing Body Structure & Remit:
Full Governing Body
Please note that the school's governing body operates a Unified Structure in order to best meet its roles and responsibilities.
Governor Details:
Chairperson and Co-Opted Governor
- Mrs Sarah Williams. Date of Appointment: 29/06/17. Date term of office ends: 28/06/25.
- Appointed by: Governing Board
- Meeting attendance 2021/22: 8 Unified Governor Meetings.
- Relevant Business, Personal or Material Interests: None
Joint Vice-Chair and Parent Governor
- Mr Andrew Hogg. Date of Appointment: 30/03/17. Date term of office ends: 21/03/25.
- Elected by: Parents
- Meeting attendance 2021/22: 6 Unified Governor Meetings
- Relevant Business, Personal or Material Interests: Parent Governor at Lydgate Junior School.
- Mr Dewi Bromage.
- Meeting attendance 2021/22: 10 Unified Governor Meetings..
- Relevant Business, Personal or Material Interests: None
Parent Governor
- Mrs Camille Barker. Date of Appointment: 19/04/22. Date term of office ends: 18/04/26.
- Elected by: Parents
- Meeting attendance 2021/22: 3 (part-year)
- Relevant Business, Personal or Material Interests: None
Co-Opted Governor
- Mr Yasser Fadhl. Date of Appointment: 19/01/21. Date term of office ends: 18/01/25
- Appointed by: Governing Board
- Meeting attendance 2021/22: 6 Unified Governor Meetings.
- Relevant Business, Personal or Material Interests: None
Co-Opted Governor
- Miss Lauren Hodgson. Date of Appointment: 28/11/13. Date term of office ends: 21/11/25.
- Appointed by: Governing Board
- Meeting attendance 2021/22: 8 Unified Governor Meetings.
- Relevant Business, Personal or Material Interests: Manager of Crosspool Community Pre-School based at LIS.
Staff Governor
- Miss Nicola Leyshon. Date of Appointment: 15/07/20. Date term of office ends: 14/07/24.
- Elected by: School Staff
- Meeting attendance 2021/22: 8 Unified Governor Meetings.
- Relevant Business, Personal or Material Interests: None
Parent Governor
- Mr James Mills. Date of Appointment: 19/04/22. Date term of office ends: 18/04/26.
- Elected by: Parents
- Meeting attendance 2021/22: 3 (part-year)
- Relevant Business, Personal or Material Interests: None
- Mr Keith Smith. Date of Appointment: 01/09/18. Date term of office ends: 01/09/22.
- Appointed by: Governing Body
- Meeting attendance 2021/22: 6 Unified Governor Meetings.
- Relevant Business, Personal or Material Interests: None